Direction from Nankai Namba station
*Nankai Namba station code is NK01. Direct train from Kansai International Airport.
* 8 min on foot from Nankai Namba station to our hostel.

1.Go to “Nankai Namba station 2F South Gate”.

2.Go through the South Gate, then turn left.

3.Go straight and go down the stairs.

4.After going down the stairs, turn right and go outside.

5.After going outside of the building,go straight south.

6.Go along the road.

7.Go along the road.

8.Go along the road.

9.Turn left at the corner of Seven Eleven.

10. Turn right.

11. Turn right the second corner.

12.Vegetable shop at the second corner then turn right.

Walk about 50 meters then you will find our hostel on your right side.
Welcome to Funtoco
Welcome to Funtoco
大阪(難波)のゲストハウス「ファントコ」┃Osaka (Namba)Guesthouse┃Funtoco Backpackers Namba